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Iulian Giurca

Digital Photography

Iulian Giurca, Digital Photography

Iulian Giurca

Born: December 1979

Nationality: Romanian 

Education: Art degree High school of Art Octav Bancila Iasi Romania - 

University Degree in photo-video communication University of Sophia
Antipolis Nice France 

Studio: Nice (France)

In Giurca’s artwork he shapes the characters so they appear to float. He achieves this by photographing his subjects underwater. A striking symphony of colour and light is created by using a technique that mixes digital processing 

Iulian Giurca Artwork


Bacau - Romania
1995 Group Exposition Atheneu

Braila - Romania
1996 Group Exposition Haricléa Darclée

Iasi - Romania
1997 Group Exposition  Pogor Memorial House

Iasi - Romania
1998 Group Exposition Palace of Culture

Nice - France
2022 Solo Exposition Galerie Edmond

2023 Solo Exposition Le Méridien Beach Plaza

The triumph in truth, Iulian Giurca
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